Once your EV is connected during the registration process and you've successfully enrolled in the SRP EV Smart Charge™ program, your charging will be optimally scheduled each time you plug in at home.
WeaveGrid considers several factors when determining your smart charging times, including the lowest-cost periods you can charge in order to meet your upcoming driving needs and the overall electric grid conditions. It then automatically sets your EV charge schedule.
You'll receive notifications about your upcoming schedules through your preferred method (web and/or SMS texts) and can skip your proposed charge schedule, if needed. You can choose to keep the schedule notifications or let them fade out after the first 5 notifications.
Visit your WeaveGrid dashboard to customize your Automatic Smart Charging settings. From here, you can set your charging finish time for each day of the week, view your target battery level, and enable the Low Battery Protection feature (optional).
Tip: WeaveGrid is a web-based app, so be sure to bookmark it in your browser for easy access!
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