General Automatic Smart Charging FAQs
- How does Automatic Smart Charging work with my Charger?
- Do you preserve my preconditioning settings?
- Do I need to have specific charging equipment to participate?
- What is Low Battery Protection?
- Why is my car charging immediately rather than during Off-Peak hours?
- When will Automatic Smart Charging begin?
SRP EV Smart Charge™ Program-Specific FAQs
- What vehicles and home charging stations are qualified to participate?
- Where can I find the terms and conditions for this program?
- Who can I contact if I have additional questions about SRP’s EV Smart Charge™ program?
- How do I unenroll?
- How will I receive my program incentive?
- What if I have multiple Teslas?
Peak Demand Event
- What is a Peak Demand Event?
- How do Peak Demand Events work with Automatic Smart Charging?
- What if I don’t want to Participate in a Peak Demand Event? Can I opt-out?
- How will I receive a Demand Response Notification?
- When will my car finish charging in a Peak Demand Event? To what battery level will my car be charged?
- I’m on a residential time-of-use rate. Will Peak Demand Events affect my bill?