General Automatic Smart Charging FAQs
- How does Automatic Smart Charging work with my Charger?
- Do you preserve my preconditioning settings?
- Do I need to have specific charging equipment to participate?
- What is Low Battery Protection?
- Why is my car charging immediately rather than during Off-Peak hours?
- When will Automatic Smart Charging begin?
- How does WeaveGrid Automatic Smart Charging interact with my Charger’s scheduling settings?
- How does WeaveGrid Automatic Charging interact with my vehicle’s settings?
- How is my ‘smart times’ score impacted in cases where I don’t follow my charging schedule?
- How is my Smart Time percentage calculated?
- Is there a fee to join the SRP EV Smart Charge™ program?
- How does Automatic Smart Charging work?
- Which EVs do you support?
- What are ‘smart times' and why are they smart?
- Can I cancel a smart schedule if needed?